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Pamphlet Collection

Identifier: aarl-PM

Scope and Contents

The Pamplet Collection holds well over 630 items from historical events, schools, organizations, and thinkpieces from scholars and laymen. This collection covers not only Georgia and the southern United States but it also includes writings and speeches from historical figures from the North. Majority of the collection consists of writings on a variety of topics like, integration, slavery, the confederacy, and the Reconstruction period.

This collection will be helpful to researchers looking for primary resources from various events, institutions, and ideas from a period of historical revisionism during the height of the Dunning School.


  • Majority of material found within 1794 - 1977

Conditions Governing Use

This collection is available for use only on the second floor (Achives Division) of the Auburn Avenue Research Library. There are no restrictions on research use of the collection, but permission must be obtained for reproduction of materials for which the Research Library does not hold copyright to research only for "Fair Use" as defined in the copright law (Title 17, United States Code). Also permission must be obtained to publish reproductions from materials for which the Research Library does hold copyright for one time use only


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